You Can Know the Real Truth
False Christs, Matthew 24:23-26
False Religions
Beware of False Salvation
Truth vs. False Teachings
The Anti-Christ, Revelation 13
New Age Religion
The Occult and Spirit Guides
Cults, Beware of Twisted Truth
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses
The Biggest Lie Ever Told
Don’t believe everything you hear. The Greatest Lie ever told to mankind was that God can not be trusted. Many false teachers and religions are in the world today. How do we know which one to believe? There are many clever deceptions that appear to be right. If you have a sincerely hungry heart for the truth and you diligently seek God, he will reveal himself to you. Any teaching that denies Jesus as God in human form or claims that we can be God ourselves is of the Great LIE.
Cults- Beware of Twisted Truth
Beware of False Salvation
The enemy will deceive many to think that they are saved when indeed they are NOT. Wolves in sheeps clothing devour the willingly ignorant and secretly disobedient.
False Salvation-Deceived Christians - This Will Shock You
How do you know if you are really saved or not?
Two Contradictory Spirits: One of God, One of the Devil
False Salvation-Deceived Christians - This Will Shock You
How do you know if you are really saved or not?
Two Contradictory Spirits: One of God, One of the Devil
God is The Ultimate Truth and Reality
God and His Christ
All other laws of physics and mathmatical formulas rest on this absolute Truth.
God through hi spower and faith spoke everything into existence and He is the foundation of all Truth and Reality
All other laws of physics and mathmatical formulas rest on this absolute Truth.
God through hi spower and faith spoke everything into existence and He is the foundation of all Truth and Reality
Truth vs. False Teachings
Do a Video on how to spot a false teaching, Based on Jesus
False teachings in the Last Days (False Christs, Metaphysics)
False Religions (Very Good List) List of False Teachers, sects and cults
The Restored Church of God (False Teaching) This is a perfect example of wolves in sheeps clothing. It sounds so truthful but it is not. For you true Christians, see if you can here the twisted deception in the message. (This particular view teaches that Jesus is not the only one who is God. That we all are like god. If we are not with him, then we are anti-Christ. They teach that We can be the same as God. They teach that the trinity is an Anti-Christ teaching and the there is more to God than just the "only begotten son of God, Jesus." They teach we are also God just like Jesus and Jesus is not the only one. This is all completely false and is the same lie the serpent told the woman in the Garden of Eden, Gen. Chapter 3. We are not eternal., only Christ is eternal. He was not created, we were.
The Final Antichrist — Who and What
Truth vs. False Teachings of Jesus Do VIdeo on this topic and place here.
How to spot a Lie and a twisted teaching concerning the Truth of Christ:
Since Adam and Eve first sinned God had to kill the first animal and covered their nakedness. The blood had to be spilled for this process of covering their sin. The blood has always been the crucial component of forgiveness and salvation since the beginning and the focal point of the gospel to come. Genesis God said he would send someone to crush Satan. Get scripture???
Gal 3:8 the Gospel was preached to Abraham in the old testament.
God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son as a symbolic foreshadowing of what was to come. His faithfulness was considered righteousness to him and God stopped him from killing his son.
Because Abraham believed God now faith has become the dominant force which is the standard to receive righteousness.
Since we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil we allowed all the elements of sin and death to enter into the world. We fell into the laws of sin and death and became a slave to sin.
God prepared a plan to save us however. He used the Hebrew nation to start practicing atonement for their sins. They would sacrifice animals and the blood would be used to cleanse the whole nation from their sins for the year. Every year they repeated the sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. It was the blood that was used for the atonement of their sins.
Right up until Jesus came into the world the sacrifices continued. All the prophets of the old testament and Moses all wrote about the purpose of Jesus coming as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
His blood is what covers our sins and allows us to be forgiven. His sacrifice and death are to be in our place.
We were slaves to sin and death and Jesus took our penalty and gave His blood to cover our sins and now we receive forgiveness and righteousness by simply believing in jesus.
What does it mean to believe in Jesus?We trust in his death and blood to cover our sins.We believe He is from heaven the son of God and God in the flesh.We believe He has set us free from sin and slavery to sin.We believe we receive His Spirit when we believe upon and trust Him and have the power to walk Holy.We follow his words and live in a manner worthy of His calling.
The Gospel of Jesus is actually 3 Words interdependent.The seed, fertilizer and water. All the words and parts of the gospel however focus on Jesus. The first part is the essential part that brings salvation. Jesus came to do much more then that however. So the second and third parts are very crucial for the seed of salvation to grow.
The first word of the gospel is the word of grace which brings salvation by faith. This is the seed of the word. We trust in his death, burial and resurrection and his blood to cover our sins. We believe He is from heaven the son of God and God in the flesh. Only a perfect sacrifice from heaven could satisfy the laws of death and sin that enslaved us. This Word is the essential part of the gospel of grace unto salvation. This is the part of the gospel that brings us salvation when we hear it and believe it. This word is the seed of the gospel. Then we have the fertilizer and the water.
The fertilizer is the second word of the gospel whichbrings us nutrients to help assist the seed to grow. Jesus again is the focus. We are more then simply save. Jesus came to set us free from sin and death and empowered us with His Holy Spirit. We are forgiven and receive salvation when we believe the first part, the seed of salvation by His blood, but now we hear we are free from sin and no longer slaves to it. We are free from sin. This part is not essential for salvation but brings awareness to our new position in Christ. It is vital we understand we no longer have to sin and have been given His spirit when we believed the first seed of faith. Now we have the power to live Holy and pleasing to God.
The third part of the gospel, which is focused on Jesus again, is our responsibility to follow Jesus. We are commanded to keep His commandments and to go make disciples and be holy, to live perfect lives in the Spirit. This is proof we love God. This is evidence wee are born of God. This does not save us in itself but demonstrates what God has done in us and our obedience to His Word.
So how do we know the true gospel from false ones? It is all about the blood of Jesus. It has always been about the blood for the forgiveness of sins since the beginning. Any gospel that downplays, demotes, sidesteps or forgets the crucial preaching of the blood of Jesus as the essential elements of salvation are false gospels.
Any gospel that leans on mans efforts for salvation, such as works or any other circumstances that a man can perform such as rules and regulation, traditions and ordinances are false gospels.
Any gospel that combines mans efforts with the blood is also false. These will always lead to teach man’s work and efforts are what save us and that is false.
The blood and work of Jesus and our faith in Jesus alone is the pure, true and correct gospel. It is so simple a child can understand it. It is easy and light. False gospels make salvation a heavy burden and cumbersome to achieve.
False teachings in the Last Days (False Christs, Metaphysics)
False Religions (Very Good List) List of False Teachers, sects and cults
The Restored Church of God (False Teaching) This is a perfect example of wolves in sheeps clothing. It sounds so truthful but it is not. For you true Christians, see if you can here the twisted deception in the message. (This particular view teaches that Jesus is not the only one who is God. That we all are like god. If we are not with him, then we are anti-Christ. They teach that We can be the same as God. They teach that the trinity is an Anti-Christ teaching and the there is more to God than just the "only begotten son of God, Jesus." They teach we are also God just like Jesus and Jesus is not the only one. This is all completely false and is the same lie the serpent told the woman in the Garden of Eden, Gen. Chapter 3. We are not eternal., only Christ is eternal. He was not created, we were.
The Final Antichrist — Who and What
Truth vs. False Teachings of Jesus Do VIdeo on this topic and place here.
How to spot a Lie and a twisted teaching concerning the Truth of Christ:
Since Adam and Eve first sinned God had to kill the first animal and covered their nakedness. The blood had to be spilled for this process of covering their sin. The blood has always been the crucial component of forgiveness and salvation since the beginning and the focal point of the gospel to come. Genesis God said he would send someone to crush Satan. Get scripture???
Gal 3:8 the Gospel was preached to Abraham in the old testament.
God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son as a symbolic foreshadowing of what was to come. His faithfulness was considered righteousness to him and God stopped him from killing his son.
Because Abraham believed God now faith has become the dominant force which is the standard to receive righteousness.
Since we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil we allowed all the elements of sin and death to enter into the world. We fell into the laws of sin and death and became a slave to sin.
God prepared a plan to save us however. He used the Hebrew nation to start practicing atonement for their sins. They would sacrifice animals and the blood would be used to cleanse the whole nation from their sins for the year. Every year they repeated the sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. It was the blood that was used for the atonement of their sins.
Right up until Jesus came into the world the sacrifices continued. All the prophets of the old testament and Moses all wrote about the purpose of Jesus coming as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
His blood is what covers our sins and allows us to be forgiven. His sacrifice and death are to be in our place.
We were slaves to sin and death and Jesus took our penalty and gave His blood to cover our sins and now we receive forgiveness and righteousness by simply believing in jesus.
What does it mean to believe in Jesus?We trust in his death and blood to cover our sins.We believe He is from heaven the son of God and God in the flesh.We believe He has set us free from sin and slavery to sin.We believe we receive His Spirit when we believe upon and trust Him and have the power to walk Holy.We follow his words and live in a manner worthy of His calling.
The Gospel of Jesus is actually 3 Words interdependent.The seed, fertilizer and water. All the words and parts of the gospel however focus on Jesus. The first part is the essential part that brings salvation. Jesus came to do much more then that however. So the second and third parts are very crucial for the seed of salvation to grow.
The first word of the gospel is the word of grace which brings salvation by faith. This is the seed of the word. We trust in his death, burial and resurrection and his blood to cover our sins. We believe He is from heaven the son of God and God in the flesh. Only a perfect sacrifice from heaven could satisfy the laws of death and sin that enslaved us. This Word is the essential part of the gospel of grace unto salvation. This is the part of the gospel that brings us salvation when we hear it and believe it. This word is the seed of the gospel. Then we have the fertilizer and the water.
The fertilizer is the second word of the gospel whichbrings us nutrients to help assist the seed to grow. Jesus again is the focus. We are more then simply save. Jesus came to set us free from sin and death and empowered us with His Holy Spirit. We are forgiven and receive salvation when we believe the first part, the seed of salvation by His blood, but now we hear we are free from sin and no longer slaves to it. We are free from sin. This part is not essential for salvation but brings awareness to our new position in Christ. It is vital we understand we no longer have to sin and have been given His spirit when we believed the first seed of faith. Now we have the power to live Holy and pleasing to God.
The third part of the gospel, which is focused on Jesus again, is our responsibility to follow Jesus. We are commanded to keep His commandments and to go make disciples and be holy, to live perfect lives in the Spirit. This is proof we love God. This is evidence wee are born of God. This does not save us in itself but demonstrates what God has done in us and our obedience to His Word.
So how do we know the true gospel from false ones? It is all about the blood of Jesus. It has always been about the blood for the forgiveness of sins since the beginning. Any gospel that downplays, demotes, sidesteps or forgets the crucial preaching of the blood of Jesus as the essential elements of salvation are false gospels.
Any gospel that leans on mans efforts for salvation, such as works or any other circumstances that a man can perform such as rules and regulation, traditions and ordinances are false gospels.
Any gospel that combines mans efforts with the blood is also false. These will always lead to teach man’s work and efforts are what save us and that is false.
The blood and work of Jesus and our faith in Jesus alone is the pure, true and correct gospel. It is so simple a child can understand it. It is easy and light. False gospels make salvation a heavy burden and cumbersome to achieve.
The Anti-Christ, Revelation 13
Throughout history there have been many attempt to control the world by various dictatorships and totalitarian governments, such as The Persians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans even into more modern times with Neapolitan and Hitler. In these last days there will be one final world dictator like none other in history. He will work many miracles and speak great things to the nations. He will control the New World Order and call himself God. This will be the Anti-Christ Leader.
Hal Lindsey on Antichrist 2011
2012 the Antichrist and the New World Order 1/6
Apolyon, Dr. Churchhill
Manna Fest 395 The Antichrist - Fact vs. Tradition 1 of 3 (Tribulation)
The Antichrist is Here! - Part 1 of 3
Mid-East Bible Prophecy:1-2 anti-christ rising?
(A Guy who could be the Anti-Christ)
Hal Lindsey on Antichrist 2011
2012 the Antichrist and the New World Order 1/6
Apolyon, Dr. Churchhill
Manna Fest 395 The Antichrist - Fact vs. Tradition 1 of 3 (Tribulation)
The Antichrist is Here! - Part 1 of 3
Mid-East Bible Prophecy:1-2 anti-christ rising?
(A Guy who could be the Anti-Christ)
False Christs, Matthew 24:23-26
Last Days: False Christs, Occult Invasion & Sexual Perversion
False Messiahs & False Christs (VERY GOOD)
666 Warning! This Pastor Says He's The 2nd Coming of Christ
The Rise of False Christs!
I Am the Son of God (Good Video)
False Messiahs & False Christs (VERY GOOD)
666 Warning! This Pastor Says He's The 2nd Coming of Christ
The Rise of False Christs!
I Am the Son of God (Good Video)
The Occult, Spirit Guides
The truth behind spirit guides (1 of 11) Spiritualism testimony
Mormons And Jehovah's Witnesses
What mormons teach
What Mormons Won't Tell You at the Door
Jehovah's Witnesses
The true origin of Jehovah's Witnesses (Charles Taze Russel)
Jehovah's Witnesses, secret societies, origin of religions
What JW's are trying to hide from you!
What Mormons Won't Tell You at the Door
Jehovah's Witnesses
The true origin of Jehovah's Witnesses (Charles Taze Russel)
Jehovah's Witnesses, secret societies, origin of religions
What JW's are trying to hide from you!
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